The APB’s Board of Directors approves the declaration of its commitment to the development of gender equality policies

The APB’s Board of Directors approves the declaration of its commitment to the development of gender equality policies

Which focuses on the importance and obligation to guarantee the real equality of women and men in organisational environments.


Environment and CSR

Yesterday, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the declaration of the APB’s commitment to the development of gender equality policies, which focuses on the importance and obligation to guarantee the real equality of women and men in organisational environments.

Therefore, a Negotiating Committee has already been set up to work on the development of a document that will be instrumental in improving the working environment and optimising the capabilities and potential of the entire workforce. A plan that involves maintaining the conditions of effective equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men, strengthening it and, in turn, eliminating any type of discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age or disability. Specifically in the field of employment, the main initiatives propose actions that favour women’s access to and promotion in employment and to improve the reconciliation of personal, work and family life.

The Plan will be subject to negotiation and agreement with the legal representation of public employees and its compliance will be evaluated on an annual basis.

It thus complies with the amendment of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 October, approving the revised text of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee Act, which urges public administrations, as employers and responsible for the implementation of public policies, to implement and promote the necessary actions in terms of organisation of their staff in order to comply with the gender equality principle. It also serves as a model and example to other public and private organisations, as well as to society as a whole.

1st Equality Plan

On 6 July 2011, the APB, a body that forms part of Puertos del Estado and depends on MITMA, adhered to the 1st Equality Plan and the Protocol for the prevention and treatment of cases of Sexual and Gender-based Harassment of the Port Authorities.

A step further has now been taken and work has already begun on the development of the 1st Equality Plan specific to this entity, which will give special coverage to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5, 8 and 10, as they specifically address the goal of achieving gender equality, within the framework of global respect for human rights and as integrated, inseparable elements and guarantors of the balance of the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.