El puerto de Alcúdia apuesta también por el turismo de cruceros

El puerto de Alcúdia apuesta también por el turismo de cruceros


La nueva estación marítima de Alcúdia dará la bienvenida el próximo 26 de julio al Sea Cloud, un crucero turístico de 109 metros de eslora y del consignatario Transcoma Baleares. La embarcación hará escala en el puerto de Alcúdia procedente de Maó y con destino a Ciutadella. El Sea Cloud será el primer crucero que llegue a Alcúdia tras las últimas obras realizadas por la APB en las que se ha invertido más de 30 millones y que han supuesto la construcción de una estación marítima y pasarelas y mejoras en el calado. Este barco no será el único que llegue a Alcúdia ya que el 15 de septiembre de 2013 el Prinsendam, de 204 metros de eslora y del consignatario Miguel Puigserver, hará escala en su viaje de Motril.

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares impulsa el Baleares Cruise Forum

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares impulsa el Baleares Cruise Forum


El próximo 9 de febrero, la Cambra de Comerç de Mallorca acogerá el Baleares Cruise Forum, una iniciativa de la APB y Cruise News en la que se pretende dar a conocer la experiencia en materia de cruceros al tejido empresarial de las Islas para encontrar nuevas oportunidades de negocio. De la mano de los propios armadores de cruceros, Baleares Cruise Forum tratará de presentar todas las oportunidades de negocio que el tráfico de cruceros puede suponer para las Islas Baleares. El debate se centrará en cómo debe prepararse el puerto, la industria auxiliar, el destino en sí mismo y los servicios turísticos para garantizar la satisfacción del nuevo crucerista. Baleares Cruise Forum es un evento dirigido a los profesionales del sector portuario, industria auxiliar, agencias de viaje, instituciones relacionadas con la promoción turística, así como gestores de de servicios hoteleros, restaurantes, museos, comercios, y en general servicios que puedan beneficiarse de la llegada de cruceristas a los puertos de Baleares.La inauguración del evento correrá a cargo del alcade de Palma, Mateu Isern, el conseller de Turisme i Esports del Govern de les Illes Balears, Carlos Delgado, el vicepresidente de la Cambra de Comerç de Mallorca, José Luis Roses, y el presidente de la APB, José María Urrutia. El programa incluye la participación del director de la APB, Jorge Nasarre, que hablará sobre "Los puertos de Baleares como destino de cruceros", del delegado comercial de Costa Cruceros en Baleares, Ignacio Uson Bailo, que tratará de los mercados emisores de cruceristas y de Mª Angels Marín, operations manager de BC Tours &amp Shiping, que explicará la figura del consignatario en el turismo de cruceros. El encuentro concluirá con una mesa redonda que bajo el título de «Cómo prepararse para la llegada de los cruceros» reunirá al director general de MSC Cruceros, Emiliano González, el director general de Costa Cruceros, Bernardo Echevarría, el director Business Development de Seadream Yacht Club, Paul Nuyens, el port operation manager de Royal Caribean, Francisco Reddel, el director general de BC Tours &amp Shiping, Mario Sennacheribbo, y el subdirector de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación de Puertos del Estado, a Manuel Gómez.

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares y el Club Náutico Ibiza organizan una charla con motivo del 150 aniversario de los faros del Botafoc y la Mola

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares y el Club Náutico Ibiza organizan una charla con motivo del 150 aniversario de los faros del Botafoc y la Mola


El Club Náutico de Ibiza acogerá el próximo 12 de enero una charla, organizada conjuntamente con la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares (APB), con motivo del 150 aniversario de la puesta en servicio de los faros del Botafoc en Eivissa y el de la Mola en Formentera. El encuentro tratará sobre el papel de los faros en el sistema de señalización marítima y la evolución de las señales y balizas desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad.En la conferencia intervendrán el jefe de Proyectos y Obras de la APB, Jorge Martín y el historiador y directivo del Club Náutico Ibiza, Pere Vilàs, quien recordará la historia de estos dos faros pitiusos y de la labor del ingeniero de caminos, canales y puertos, Emili Pou i Bonet, quién redactó los proyectos de 17 faros que acabarían formando parte de la red de alumbrado marítimo de las Baleares.En la charla, que tendrá lugar a las siete de la tarde en la sede social del club, también intervendrá Santi Ribas, técnico de sistemas de ayudas a la navegación encargado del faro del Botafoc.

Balearic Islands Port Authority approves the Business Plan for 2012 that includes an investment of 54.6 million euros

Balearic Islands Port Authority approves the Business Plan for 2012 that includes an investment of 54.6 million euros


The Board of Directors of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) today approved, at its last meeting of the year, the Business Plan for 2012 that foresees an investment of 54.6 million euros to run on the ports of general interest it runs in the Balearic Islands. Among the works scheduled to start next year highlights the dredging of the area close to the Maritime and Port Nou Cós Mahon, budgeted at two million euros. This action seeks to recover the depth of the commercial dock in order to ensure optimal conditions for berthing cruise ships. In the port of Palma will be spent next year twenty-one million euros, of which the majority will go to continue the expansion west docks for mooring cruise of great length, which is expected to enter service during the peak tourist season. Similarly, continuing the construction of docks in the port Botafoc of Ibiza, with an annual investment of seventeen billion, virtually all in 2012 as the port for Ibiza.Similarly, in the port of Alcudia, the fourteen and a half million euros investment will receive will be directed to continue in the stabilization and foundation piers Town, and West Bank.

Pedro’s Boat Centre gana el concurso del varadero del Cós Nou en el puerto de Maó

Pedro’s Boat Centre gana el concurso del varadero del Cós Nou en el puerto de Maó


El Consejo de Administración de la APB ha aprobado esta tarde adjudicar a la empresa Pedro’s Boat Centre S.L. la explotación del varadero para la reparación de embarcaciones del Cós Nou en el puerto de Maó. La decisión se ha tomado a propuesta del presidente de la APB, José María Urrutia, después de que la comisión técnica encargada de valorar las ofertas presentadas al concurso la considerase como la solución más ventajosa.Pedro’s Boat Centre S.L. gestionará durante 23 años el nuevo varadero, que contará con una superficie cercana a los 37.000 metros cuadrados, de los cuales 30.000 serán en tierra y 7.000 de espejo de agua, y aportará una inversión superior a los 8,6 millones de euros.Entre otros servicios, ofrecerá la izada y botadura de embarcaciones para su limpieza y reparación, traslado y custodia de éstas, la explotación de locales y despachos para las empresas del sector, así como suministro de agua, electricidad, telefonía y la recogida selectiva de basuras y residuos.El varadero dispondrá también de un travelift de 200 toneladas capaz de transportar embarcaciones de hasta 30 metros de eslora. Todo ello supondrá una sustancial mejora de los servicios náuticos ofrecidos hasta el momento, en especial atención a la seguridad y a la protección del medio ambiente.Esta nueva instalación dará un nuevo impulso al sector de la reparación de embarcaciones de Menorca con la generación de un centenar de puestos de trabajo, además de proporcionar al puerto de Maó de mayor competitividad y convertirlo en un potencial punto de referencia en el Mediterráneo occidental en las prestación de servicios náuticos.

New members join the Governing Body of the APB

New members join the Governing Body of the APB


Today, the Governing Body of the APB held its first meeting of this term since the regional elections of last May with the new members appointed by the Government of the Balearic Islands. The new members are: Antonio Gomez, Carlos Delgado, David Alonso and Joaquin Garcia, on behalf of the regional government Jaume Colom, on behalf of the General State Administration Ignacio Landa, from the State Attorney’s Office Coloma Terrace, representing the Council of Majorca Agueda Reynes, from the Insular Council of Minorca Marienne Sanchez-Jauregui, from the Council of Ibiza and Fernando Gilet from Palma City Council.

Jorge Nasarre is named new Director of the Balearic Port Authority by the Board of Directors

Jorge Nasarre is named new Director of the Balearic Port Authority by the Board of Directors


The Board of Directors of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has named, Jorge Nasarre as the new director of the public body that manages the ports of general interest in the archipelago. The procedure took place by unanimous vote from its members and the proposal by the president, Jose Maria Urrutia. Born in Madrid on August 19, 1972, Jorge Nasarre Lopez is married and is a civil engineer with a specialization in transport, which he received from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. To date he has been the head of the Planning Department of the APB, a position he has held since 2006 and which he won by public tender. Since 1998 he has held various positions related to technical procedures and port management, in both private and public companies, most notably, as chief of the Division of Ports and Oceanography for the company, Intecsa-Inarsa SA, between 2004 and 2006. Regarding his educational background, it is worth noting that he has a Master’s Degree in Management of Infrastructures and Public Services, awarded to him by the College of Civil Engineers, CEDEX and the Agustin de Betancourt Foundation, as well as, Expertise in Shipping and Port Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, in collaboration with the State Ports and the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine. Jorge Nasarre replaces Ángel Matías, who has stepped down as director of the APB after sixteen years of service.

The APB will remove architectural barriers in Port Maó to improve accessibility

The APB will remove architectural barriers in Port Maó to improve accessibility


The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) will begin, on Tuesday October 4th, several actions to improve accessibility and remove architectural barriers in the zone of public domain of the Port of Maó with the intention of integrating all citizens, especially those with reduced mobility, into the activities developed there. In order to adapt the public spaces of the Port of Maó to the regulations of architectural barrier removal in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, procedures will be undertaken during the next two months to modify and repaint pedestrian crossings. They will be fitted with ramps at points of level variation and will be marked with textured pavement to indicate their presence to blind people. Also, tree surrounds will be eliminated to facilitate the transit of wheelchairs on the sidewalks, urban furniture that interferes with practicable routes will be dismantled, removed and relocated, and existing ramps and stairs will be adapted in cases where no alternative routes are available. The works have a budget of one hundred and eleven thousand euros and have been awarded to the company, EHM S.L. Another action to be carried out in order to facilitate the passage of pedestrians, particularly those with reduced mobility, is the extension of the sidewalk in the section between the ascent to Corea and the stairs of Port Maó. This will give greater scope to a stretch of about three hundred meters of sidewalk located in the final section of the Levante dock. The existing sidewalk will be demolished and a wider one will be built. Also, new street furniture will be installed and integrated with the trees planted this last spring. The work will take two months and has been awarded the company, Antonio Gomila SA, for one hundred and two thousand euros.

The APB enhances Palma as a base for cruise ships with the new EM4

The APB enhances Palma as a base for cruise ships with the new EM4


The APB has just put into operation the new passenger terminal (EM4) in the port of Palma, destined to cover as a base-port for cruise ships that have made the Balearic capital the start and finish of their itinerary in the Mediterranean. The works, which began a year ago, required an investment of 6.6 million euros. This morning, the act of receiving the works took place with the signing by the decision-makers of the APB, the contractor, Vias y Construcciones S.A., and the Public Entity of State Ports. The APB has fully funded the expansion and remodeling of the EM4, which is located at the beginning of the Poniente Docks in the port of Palma, in order to improve services to cruise ships. Here, the operations of embarking and disembarking passengers take place, mainly from cruise ships, and to a lesser extent, regular lines. Most of the cruise ships that dock at the pier associated with the terminal use it as a base. The works involved the construction of a two-storey building annexed to the existing one, the relocation all facilities and the creation of a waiting room for embarking passengers of cruise ships beginning and ending their journeys in Palma. Also, another area for baggage handling was built and fixed gangways were constructed to connect this terminal to other nearby terminals located in the Paraires area of the port of Palma. In addition, the check-in area was amplified to make room for more counters. The new building has an area of 1,848 square meters on the ground floor and 881 square meters on the first floor. The entry into public service has been gradual. The renovated section began operating in April, while the extension will be open to passengers tomorrow, after today´s signing of the receipt of the work by the chairman of the APB, Jose Maria Urrutia. The building features the latest in energy saving measures and standards of universal accessibility. With regards to environmental issues, the air-conditioning is controlled by a domotic management system that adjusts to the comfort needs of the passengers, depending on the occupation of the building and the season of the year. Furthermore, 72% of the hot water consumption of the building is covered by solar panels. The terminal is equipped with closed circuit television connected to the control center of the port of Palma and a modern fire alarm system.

The first of eighteen caissons being fabricated for the expansion the Poniente docks arrives at the port of Palma

The first of eighteen caissons being fabricated for the expansion the Poniente docks arrives at the port of Palma


The Balearic Islands Port Authority has, since this morning, the first of the eighteen caissons that are being built for the expansion of the Poniente docks. The expansion will provide berthing for cruise ships of great length. At about half past ten in the morning the tug, Silveira Charuca, docked at Dique del Oeste dock in the port of Palma. It had departed on Wednesday at half past one from the port of Sagunto carrying the piece which is to be submerged early next week. The caisson, 30 meters long by 15 meters wide by 16.5 meters high, was built during the month of August at the port of Sagunto, Valencia, by the company Cyes. It was designed using 1,692.50 cubic meters of concrete and more than 140,000 kilograms of steel. Cyes has built nine of the eighteen boxes that are to form the new pier, while the company SATO-OHL will be responsible for the construction of the remaining nine, also in the port of Sagunto. It is expected that by the end of this year all the caissons will be constructed. The pieces will be placed on a foundation of boulders previously formed on the seabed of the port of Palma. The extension of the Poniente docks in the port of Palma is intended to adapt to new trends in maritime traffic and provide simultaneous berthing for vessels of over three hundred meters in length. The extension consists of eighteen rectangular concrete caissons, separated so as to allow water to circulate through them. This is a major environmental improvement as it allows the continual renewal of water within the inner dock of the harbor. The separation between caissons is maintained by a reinforced concrete slab that will shape the future thirty meter wide pier. This work will result in land reclamation of 12,643 square meters from the sea, a prolongation of the existing Poniente dock by about fifty meters and the creation of two new berthing lines of approximately 360 meters in length.

 The APB acquires two hybrid cars for the police in the port of Palma

The APB acquires two hybrid cars for the police in the port of Palma


The APB has purchased two hybrid vehicles operating in the police station of Palma. These are two hybrid cars, technology lighter, compact and efficient, equipped with electric mode and conventional, with combined output of 98 HP and combined consumption of 4.6 liters per 100 kilometers. Vehicles, Honda Insight model and have already been put into service, have CO2 emissions to the atmosphere of 105 grams perkilometer and are equipped with complete equipment for police service. The acquisition of these new cars is included in the ABS policy to promote environmental protection by replacing existing motor vehicles with hybrid and other low power consumption. The cost of this investment has led to the Port Authority an expenditure of 44,074.70 euros, excluding VAT.

The APB updates the PEI of the five ports of general interest that manages Islands

The APB updates the PEI of the five ports of general interest that manages Islands


The APB is re-establishing the Emergency Plans (IEP) of the five ports of general interest that runs in the Islands. The updated plans are being made with the collaboration of all stakeholders and conducting emergency drills in each of the ports. The PEI is a set of specific actions to perform in emergencies at port facilities and is specific for each of the ports, which considers the peculiarities of these. The renewal of the protocols for emergency action has had numerous contacts and training sessions with stakeholders. In the preliminary investigation and sharing of information have been involved, in addition to its own staff of the APB, the Directorate General of Govern d´Emergències de les Illes Balears, Palma firefighters and the Consells of Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera, Civil Guard, National Police, local police de Palma, Mahon Alcudia, Ibiza and Formentera, the 061, Harbour Master of Palma, Eivissa, Menorca district maritime, mooring, dock, practical, marpols, consignees, shippers and dealers in every port. The update of the PEI have also had the drills of accidents with dangerous goods in each of the ports, except in Alcudia, which is scheduled to take place next autumn. In these simulations have been performed with the latest facilities and technologies implemented by the ABS, such as closed circuit television and videoconferencing systems have allowed the monitoring operations from the port of Palma, in direct contact with the new control centers and crisis rooms created in each of the ports. For the relocation of PEI, the APB has received technical assistance from the company i Tissaire Associates, with extensive experience in the implementation of emergency plans in ports such as Barcelona and Tarragona, among others.