More than 8.5 tonnes of waste removed from Eivissa port waters over the last three years
Land-based waste accounts for almost 40% of the waste removed while 20% comes from sewage treatment plants.
Since the launch of a special water surface cleaning service in October 2020, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB as per its Spanish acronym) has collected 8.5 tonnes of waste from Eivissa port's waters. The port has three energy self-sufficient, cutting-edge vessels which maintain the water surface clean, while promoting carbon footprint reduction.
From October 2020 to July 2023, 4,500 kilos (53%) of the nearly 8,500 kilos of waste removed from Eivissa port waters is refuse-type material (paper, wood and others), while 2,300 kilos (27%) of the waste is organic. Plastics made up 1,700 kilos, just over 20 percent of the total amount collected. By way of illustration, the amount of plastics collected over this period of time from Eivissa port waters would fill 28 igloo-type street recycling containers.
Sorting by origin
For the first time, this innovative waste collection system makes it possible to determine where the waste arriving at Eivissa port comes from. As such, the data show that the majority, almost 40%, is land-based. This normally refers to waste which is blown into the port waters by the wind or which has been intentionally dumped.
24% of the waste originates offshore, which includes material that been carried by wind or currents into the sheltered waters of the port. This may come from ships or from other land-based areas outside the port.
Waste from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) comes in third place, with more than 19%. This is represented by waste from the sewage network or from existing wastewater treatment plants that flow into the port and cause unpleasant odours. Around 16% of the waste collected comes from recreational boating, and finally 4 % is generated by fishing activities.
Three vessels
Patena Pitiusas is the company in charge of cleaning an area of approximately 818,000 square metres of water surface in Eivissa port and 53,000 square metres in La Savina port. The cleaning equipment has three energy self-sufficient vessels.
One of them is equipped with a large hydraulic central scoop, which can pick up objects ranging from 10 millimetres to one tonne. The second is a fast-action hybrid inflatable dinghy. The fleet is enhanced by a two-metre surface cleaning drone and a 250-litre marine waste collection basket with an 8-hour operating time, designed to reach the most difficult-to-access areas between jetties and boats.