The APB has responded to the different requests made by the stakeholders of the Palma seafront remodelling works
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has responded to the different requests made by the stakeholders of the Palma seafront remodelling works at the last two meetings held on 31 January and 9 February. Therefore, all requests that complied with the necessary safety measures in each case have been incorporated into the remodelling work phases.
Consequently, a car park for forty parking spaces in front of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography has already opened, where a new bus stop will also be installed. A new car park has been created in the centre of the parterre in front of the Auditorium and for the time being, in phase I, the parking areas in Plaza Mediterráneo will be maintained.
Furthermore, three loading and unloading points will be created on the promenade during phase I, at the Hotel Costa Azul, in front of Can Barbarà and in the Auditorium area.
The bus parking area in front of the Golondrinas quay will also increase its capacity during this construction phase, going from herringbone to perpendicular parking.
More signs will be installed at strategic points, such as the access to Calle Pedrera, which will also be open to customers frequenting the shops in the area, and parking bans will be enforced at the entrances to the garages and at the roundabout next to the Auditorium.
Another of the requests made during the meetings was the increase in the number of waste containers in different areas of the Paseo Marítimo, which has been passed on to Palma City Council to be dealt with by Emaya.
All these actions will be reinforced by press releases, radio and television broadcasts, maps available in hotels and shops and announcements in fenced-off areas.